Sponsor Information

Our confirmed 2024 sponsors are:

  • Ocado Technology (Gold sponsor)
  • Turing Institute (Silver sponsor)
  • RS Components (Bronze sponsor)
  • P&G (Bronze sponsor)

The BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium is a one-day conference for women undergraduate and taught Masters students. We run on a non-profit basis and all sponsorship goes directly to the running of the event. The bulk goes on student travel: it costs around £11k to transport the students to the event and to put them up (as undergraduates, they don’t have access to funds, so to encourage attendance we fund the travel for all poster contest entrants).

We have sponsorship options for companies, and also for universities.

If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, check out our sponsorship brochure.

Sponsorship brochure 2024